If it's good enough for Salma....

"I have a farm and I love it there. There's really nothing to do there, but even watching the chickens, it's fun." ~ Salma Hayek

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Way too Cute to Eat!!

"You will never be able to live off the land Mom!" That was SG's declaration Friday night after the new baby chicks arrived. After I declared that I probably was not going to be able to eat any of the new fluffy little bundles of joy.  The same little bundles of joy who up until now have been solely referred to as the "meat chickens" due their destiny as a main course on our dinner table.
While she might have a point, I'll never concede that my tween is right! I could live off the land! If I went vegan! I just can't possibly eat a little creature that I care for an nurture for eight weeks. I also don't think I could load them up and take them to the Amish ladies who will then "dress" them for the freezer. Nice choice of words right?
So, I already have solution. In about four weeks, my sister-in-law's chickens will be "getting dressed," and she will have room for the 15 "meat" chickens we just got. I know some of you may be wondering why I can't just keep them and put them up with the ladies. Well, these chicks are a breed specifically for meat, they don't eat the same feed as my layers, and they are straight run chicks (boys and girls). Just wouldn't work.
I know the whole reason I now have 32 chickens was due to my curiosity to see if we could be somewhat self-sustaining. I don't feel like I've failed because I love taking care of my ladies and I know there are a lot of people who will enjoy their eggs.  And, I have confirmed something I have known for a long time: I can only eat meat if I don't really know where it comes from.

Little Chicken Nuggets - that's what my brother called them!

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