If it's good enough for Salma....

"I have a farm and I love it there. There's really nothing to do there, but even watching the chickens, it's fun." ~ Salma Hayek

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Do Your Chickens Lay Eggs?

That's the first question everyone asks when they find out I have chickens! When I say, "Not yet," they always seem disappointed. I'm left feeling that the ladies and I have somehow let them down. But then, I explain they were just born in mid-April, these things take time.
I really think some of those inquiring minds just want to know when they might be the recipient of some of the little brown delights! Before the chicks even arrived, I had people lining up for the eggs. With 17 hens, I assured everyone, there will be eggs to go around. When they are all laying, I should have almost a dozen and a half eggs a day!
Well, Friday, August 26, 2011, it finally happened, the first egg was laid. I opened the door to the nesting boxes and there was a hen sitting. I gave her some privacy in within minutes was rewarded with a small, smooth pinkish-brown egg. It is a beautiful little thing! And, no, we haven't eaten it! I'm waiting to see what my first dozen look like!

On Saturday, there were two more eggs, laid in two different nesting boxes. They look a lot like the first. The first egg was definitely laid by a Black Australorp. I know because I saw her. I can only guess they are also from the Australorps. Today, there was one egg. I guess getting a production schedule takes time. But for now, I'm just relieved to say that, "Yes! My chickens do lay eggs!"